Monday, November 16, 2009


Just wanted to put a little shout out for Ryley-this past week at school he broke the school record for the pacer test in gym, he did 70 laps in the pacer test and the last record was 69, he decided to quit as soon as he knew he broke it, but he was very excited for his accomplishment! Also this weekend he had a soccer tournament-they played 5 games in 2 days. His team came out on top and won the whole thing! The last game was a tough game, they even had to postpone for about 15 minutes because it was pouring down rain and it started lightening but they all played great and scored the winning goal with 2 minutes left in the game. So now they will represent Frisco in the Tournament of Champions with teams coming from all over Texas-we are very proud of him!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

This is for you Callie

Rory loves his Aunt Callie! :)

Saturday, November 7, 2009


Rory with his candy stash, he was Snake Eyes from GI Joe
Little Liam was a monkey
Poor Ryley was sick, this is how he spent Halloween! I set aside some candy for him until he felt better.
Brian and Callie and Hunter, so funny!
All the neighborhood kids!
Elliott was a werewolf-I really had fun putting his costume together! Poor Hunter was scared to death of him though!

I'm finally getting my pictures up for Halloween, mom came for a visit right after and I just didn't have enough time to get them posted, we had a great time with Brian and Callie and of course baby Hunter too!